
作者:中华健康网 时间:2023-04-24 17:23 阅读:8380

夏枯草The preventive effect and treatment of Eucommia on degenerative diseases of the brain.杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides)杜仲是一种药食同源的中药材,中国已经使用了数千年, 并发现杜仲可长期使用,无副作

The preventive effect and treatment of Eucommia on degenerative diseases of the brain.

杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides)

杜仲是一种药食同源的中药材,中国已经使用了数千年, 并发现杜仲可长期使用,无副作用,具有提高免疫力,抗衰老功能。日本人对杜仲情有独钟,并研究发现杜仲的树皮和叶子具有相同的效果。由杜仲叶制成的茶是日本最受欢迎的饮品。

Eucommiaulmoides is a medicine and food homologous drug. China has used eucommia for thousands of years and found that the eucommia can be long-termused without side effects, it improves immunity and has anti-agingfunction. Japanese has paid great attention to Eucommia ulmoides and found that the bark and leaves of Eucommia have the same effect. Japanese has paid great attention to the development of traditional Chinese medicine for many years. Tea made of Eucommia leaves is a favorite drink in Japan.


赵善廷 教授 德国医学博士(西北农林科技大学)

柴学军 副教授 德国医学博士(西安医学院)


Professor Shanting Zhao and Associate ProfessorXuejun Chai are committed to the medicinal development of the preventive effects and treatment of Eucommia.




Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases are neurodegenerative diseases caused by neuronal aging and death in the people older than sixty. The neuronal death leads to the decline ofmemory. It seriously affects the quality of life of patients and results in a heavy burden on families and society. So far, Chinese andWestern medicine still have no good way to cure them.













In the past two years, they have cooperated with some Research institutions in Japan and Germany and made more progress. Usage of theirs products significantly improved memory of patients.



They hope that theirs technology and products will receive more attention and support from all over the world.



Shaanxi Association of Natural Pharmaceutical(SANP) is anacademic, research, non-profit corporate social group,which is founded in Xi’an, Shaanxi province of China. SANP provide scientific research and development results for the related enterprises and government, helps itsmembers achieve missions by researching, inovating and applying natural pharmaceuticals and traditional Chinese Medicine. Our members Professor Shanting Zhao and Associate Professor Xuejun Chai are committed to the medicinal development of the preventive effects and treatment of Eucommia. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact usanytime.

산시성 천연약물학회는 학술적, 연구적, 비영리적 사회 조직 단체로 산시성 시안시에 설립되었다.학회는 해당 기업과 정부에 과학 연구와 개발 성과를 제공한다.연구를 통해 천연 약물과 한의약 지식을 혁신하고 적용하여 구성원이 그 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 지원합니다.우리 학회 멤버인 조정정 교수, 차이쉐쥔 부교수는 두중 씨의 개발 연구에 힘을 쏟고 있습니다.두중은 장기간 사용할 수 있고 부작용 없이 면역력을 높이고 노화방지 기능을 갖춘 약으로 중국은 수천 년 동안 사용해왔다.지난 두년간 이들은 일본, 독일의 같은 연구 기관의 협력의 진전을 거둔 제품을 단계적으로 응용해 환자의 기억력 개선에 현저하다.이 프로젝트에 관심이 있으시면 저희에게 연락 주십시오.

Die Shaanxi Natural Medicine Society ist eine akademische, forschende, gemeinnützige Organisation mit Sitz in Xi'an, Provinz Shaanxi. Die Organisation liefert Forschungs- und Entwicklungsergebnisse für relevante Unternehmen und Regierungen. Unterstützen Sie die Mitglieder dabei, ihre Ziele durch Forschung, Innovation und Anwendung von Naturmedizin- und chinesischem Medizinwissen zu erreichen. Professor Shanting Zhao und Associate Professor Xuejun Chai, unserer Mitglieder engagieren sich für die Entwicklung und Forschung von Eucommia. Eucommia ulmoides ist ein Medikament und lebensmittel homologes Medizin, das über einen langen Zeitraum angewendet werden kann, keine Nebenwirkungen aufweist, die Immunität verbessert und eine Anti-Aging-Funktion aufweist und in China seit Tausenden von Jahren angewendet wird. In den vergangenen zwei Jahren ist die Zusammenarbeit mit japanischen und deutschen Forschungsinstituten schrittweise vorangekommen, und ihre Produktanwendung hat das Gedächtnis der Patienten erheblich verbessert. Wenn Sie an diesem Projekt interessiert sind, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.


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